How To Get Rid of nikol

What to do when people sit at home like nothing happened to them and don’t want to rise up against psycho Nikol?

why people of Armenia or Yerevan do not rise up against this national disgrace:

  • Least humiliating for me would’ve been that they don’t realize magnitude of what happened and the reason they don’t is that it did not directly affected them, it didn’t happened directly to them
  • “People” just don’t give a crap , they think Artcax is far away , doesn’t concern them , nothing has changed in their lives so they just continue with their daily lives
  • “People” were so brain washed during the past 2.5 years with all this BS old , new , white, black etc. and so terrified with old regime they would prefer have a psycho COUNTRY TRAITOR who is as corrupt as the old ones but in addition to old regime he is also not only selling the country but DESTROYS reputation of entire Nation.

World doesn’t know and has no way of knowing regular/normal Armenian people , they judge about regular Armenian people by their leaders by this scumbag Nikol and how “People” let this scumbag TRAITOR not only remain in his position but have an audacity to make statements without any sense of remorse or guilt.

No matter what the reason is “people” trying to sit out at home are only helping Nikol’s monstrous plan to DESTROY not only Armenia as a country but also Armenian people reputation as a nation.

Nikol achieved what Ata Turk would’ve never dreamed to achieve in 21st century , destroying 15,000 families and at least 30,000 children that would’ve been born, surrendering not only Arcax but also lands from Armenia.

Everybody talking about what happened, but nobody is actually offering any actual plan how to get RID of this psycho piece of shit?

 What do we do ? How do we get rid of this indescribable piece of human scum called Nikol.

He will NEVER leave voluntarily, there is only ONE and only ONE way to get rid of this TRAITOR and put him and entire bunch of  “Nikol Witnesses” called “Im qayl” on the chair of military tribunal, it is by FORCE.

There are two ways to FORCE him out of PM office:

  • Have people flood the streets of Yerevan just like Soros activists organized it in 2018 . Ask all 4-5 thousand people who really understand what is going on to reach out to all their relatives and neighbors , explain them what is happening to their own country and explain them that there are smart, better real intellectuals who can lead the country out of this NIGHTMARE and beg, ask , demand everyone they to know to come out and express their will. If each normal person from 4000 who are already protesting bring 4 or 5 relatives or neighbors that may possible force this psycho out of the office.
  • Obviously Police and  National Security Service are bunch of brainless cowards/scumbag slaves of  Nikol , they have no concept of Fatherland ,Country or Honor.  Think of it  “National Security Service” is serving Nikol’s whishes like his personal slaves instead of doing what they are there to do,  protect their own Nation’s Security.  Considering all the above the only other way to force this piece of scum from PM office is to gather all volunteer fighters who fought bravely in multiple Artsax wars who know the value and concept of Fatherland / Country and Honor. Surrender the location where Nikol is hiding and take him by BRUTE FORCE. YES I’m calling for military operation. At this point any sacrifice is worth to get rid of a scum like Nikol who sacrificed over 4000+ lives, crippled over 10,000 young men.

None of the choices above did not happen so far, it’s been 20 days and nobody, no one , no team no “jokats” like «Սև հովազ», «Արաբո» , «Եղնիկներ» etc. did not do anything.

So why would anyone in the world have ANY RESPECT for any Armenian?

Nikol is a TUMOR who needs to be removed with SURGICAL PROCEDURE and BY ANY MEANS.

Regardless of anything, I can assure you there are hundreds if not thousands of Tehlirian’s are waiting for him and his family in Canada or USA and I’M ONE OF THEM.