“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” ~ Confucius
Every strong and successful country consist of strong and successful families, family is the single most important unit of any country.
How to destroy the traditional and normal families?
Nikol Pashinyan and his administration funded by liberal fascists from “Civilized Europe” selling out and destroying Armenian tradition , our nations dignity and Armenian families.
It is a step by step process well established and tried by “liberal” fascists . The main and most important process of this egregious plan is to destroy the nation’s/society families.
Paid puppets from Pashinyan administration promoting and advancing their family destruction changes and laws through National Assembly as they have the majority. They literally shoving this changes and laws down the peoples thought without any regard of future generation and future of our homeland.
First Step starts by brain washing our most vulnerable innocent children by passing law about sexual education in kindergartens.
It starts from kindergarten, they are implementing horrific incentives by imposing and requiring to introduce children from young age to ideas that are alien to any normal society by weakening family customs and traditions. Confusing and poisoning children brain by introducing and forcing so called sexual “education” and loading their brains with ideas that they don’t understand at such young age which contradicts our family traditional values.
The most egregious of all is telling children at young age that they may not be what they are born , that it’s normal that boy may “feel” like a girl and girl may feel and act like a girl there by completely derailing their understanding and comprehension of the normal life.
This “teachings” poisons children brains by inducing doubt about who they really are since they are just innocent children who undoubtedly believe their teachers, unfortunately sometime even more than their own parents.
They send their own agents as representatives or instructors, they provide free literature and financing who teach our own teachers and Armenians who sell out our traditions thinking that this the way modern Europe and rest of the world lives.
Unfortunately the most susceptible to this poisoning is the young population. Who are constantly introduced to foreign spoiled and fake ideas that are alien to Armenia and our nation by brainwashing our young demographic starting from kindergarten of being in control not letting anyone including their parents to give them valuable advice and life experience.
This in turn contributes to horrific weakening of our traditional family customs and relationship of younger generation with their elderly generation. By inseminating disrespect to our family values and destruction of more and more families.
Weakening and destruction of families leads to disrespect of our Armenian traditions as well as love and respect to our homeland.
People who don’t respect and care about their own family will never care about their country.
Instead of teaching and founding most basic and important ideologies such as love towards their family, country and being proud Armenians Pashinayn and his administration introducing laws teaching them to be selfish self-centered ego maniacs who are thought to care only about themselves.